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Bye-Bye Impulse Buys - Comprehensive Intentional Buying Guide

Bye-Bye Impulse Buys - Comprehensive Intentional Buying Guide


This 53-page digital download includes:


• An intake quiz to analyze spending habits

• Seven journaling activities for reflection

• Twelve research-based trackers for successful shopping

• Detailed explanation of the 5 reasons people impulse buy

• Lessons on overcoming common barriers to intentional buying, including addressing regrets/FOMO, overcoming emotional spending, avoiding scams, fostering an abundance mindset, and prioritizing long-term happiness with self-discipline

• Tools to resist impulse buying including six questions to review before shopping, budget trackers, my viral "Deliberation Station" worksheet template, a decision-making song, a "Cost Per Use" Calculator, and a checklist to reduce temptation

• And much, much more!


Invest today, see the benefits for years to come!


This product comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee - If you are not satisfied with your purchase, I will refund you in full. 

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